Grannie's Little Angel

Cameron Dwayne Deaton
Born July 6, 1999
11:13 P.M.
Whitesburg ARH
Weight - 6 lbs. 8 oz.
Length - 19 3/4 inches
Comments:  Perfect in every way!

Check out my photos and you will see that I am telling the truth!


Noah's Ark Cake for the baby shower
Amy & Teresa 
Amy & Mom
Amy & Gretchen
Amy & Mom
July 5 - 11 a.m.l
Amy & Dwayne
1st day
Amy, Gary, & April at the end of July 5
Dwayne is worn out & frozen....
Amy & Cameron
2 hours old
Adorable child
Hates the light
so the photos
are very dim
but he's still
Little formula mouth
He's a prize!
Grannie & Cam
Pride & Joy
Goodbye My Angel
Aunt Heather & Cam
Bye Sweetie!
Mom looks him over
Getting ready
to go home
Uncle Gary 
& Cameron
Baby Talk
T.G. & Cameron
T.G. & Cameron
Michelle & Cam
Hal & Cameron
The Furkas Family
Grandpa feeding Cameron
For more Cameron
click the heart!